"odvr is a user-space driver for Olympus digital voice recorders that do notsupport USB Mass Storage. Not all formats are directly supported(sandec/PULCOD), and functionality is limited, but basic download and listingcapabilities are implemented."
olympus digital wave player download windows 8
Download Zip: https://urlcod.com/2vERrN
(These files are all included in the olympus_digital_wave_player_for_windows.zip download above.) Olympus VN-3100PC VN-3100_VN-3100PC_Manual.pdf Olympus VN4100PC(extra instructions).txt (How the "fastforward" and "rewind" functions work) VNSeries64Driver_Readme_EN.pdf (I believe nothing in this file is necessary.)Last update: November 25, 2022
dows anyone know where i can download 2.1.4 version of VN3100pc? the olympus limks and web pages are not useful (especially Olympus does not even bother to update their info and links). Thanks for any help. I need that version (have 2.1.0) to amke it work in w10
I was using an Olympus VN-960PC digital voice recorder, and was downloading recordings from that device to Windows XP via mini-USB cable. Unlike the Olympus VN-6200PC, the VN-960PC used the Digital Wave Player (DWP) program to download and display recordings. DWP showed the actual time and date when the recording was made. That information was not visible in Windows Explorer; WinEx would just show the date and time when the file was downloaded.I was able to rename DWP's files (in the format DW_A0001.wav) so that the date and time of creation were contained in the filenames. I did this using the Aqua Deskperience screen capture program to save the onscreen data from DWP into a text file, and then massaging the contents of that file with text commands (e.g., MID) in Microsoft Excel to produce a batch file to rename the files. The batch file would run on the WinXP command line, and each line in the batch file would contain the command to rename one file. The Excel formula for this conversion was something like ="ren "&char(34)&[old filename]&char(34)&" "&char(34)&[new filename]&char(34). (The meaning of that command becomes visible when you run it.) The resulting batch file line would say something like "ren DW_0001 2010-06-03 08.41 Recording.wav."To make that approach work, I needed to be able to view the downloaded recordings in DWP. The recordings were typically saved in a folder whose name matched the name of the folder I had used to save them on the VN-960PC. Since I typically used Folder A, the usual location of the downloads, in WinXP, was \My Documents\Digital Wave Player\Message\Folder A.But now I had a problem. I was copying the downloaded files from a machine running WinXP SP3 to another machine running WinXP SP2 in a VMware Workstation virtual machine (VM) on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx). I had installed DWP in this VM, and when I ran DWP in the VM it did show the usual set of folders (Folder A, Folder B, etc.), but I could not find where on the computer those folders were actually located.The answer was that I was looking for the wrong folder name. It was not Folder A. It was FolderA, without a space, and it was being created in the usual place. That part was simple enough. I wanted to explain my setup, though, so that I could address some questions that I have seen in other posts online, and to pass along a couple of related insights.One such insight was that, as it turns out, it was also possible to run DWP in Ubuntu. The basic solution was to install Ubuntu with Wine, and then just find the DWP installation file (setup.exe) and double-click on it. (You could also use Wine to run other Windows programs.) The DWP installation file was already on my system because I set it up as a dual-boot, but I could also have copied it over.Someone had also created an Ubuntu command-line program to download files from the DVR. My search led to the discovery that this program, odvr, also had a GUI in its latest version.Incidentally, in case anyone wonders, I was not able to get the VN-960PC to work directly with Ubuntu itself, nor with WinXP in an Ubuntu VM. In other words, I could run DWP in a VM to view the DW*.wav files that I had copied there, and I could run DWP in Ubuntu via Wine, but I could not get the hardware to work such that DWP would offer to transfer the files from the DVR to the computer. All I could get in the WinXP VM was a "usb device not recognized" error.The other thing I wondered was whether Ubuntu might have a way of extracting the date and time from the DW_A0001.wav file without making me jump through those hoops in Aqua Deskperience and Excel. The creation date and time information had to be in there somewhere, but how could I get it out?I took a look at a DW_A0001.wav file in WinXP (right-click > Properties > Summary). It said it was a 4-bit mono file saved in IMA ADPCM format at a bit rate of 88kbps and an audio sample rate of 22 kHz. Those values would probably have been different if I had been using the VN-960PC's SP or LP rather than HQ recording modes. Properties did not state the correct date for file creation; as just noted, it claimed that the created, modified, and accessed dates and times were identical. I couldn't figure out a solution, so I posted a question on it in an Ubuntu forum. That didn't draw a quick response, so I tried again in a Windows forum. No luck there either. I wasn't turning up much in a search, so I had to let this slide for now.
Links to External Sites [top] Michael Abramoff VolumeJ,FlowJ,Flow3J,SurfaceJ,Register ROI, PCA (Principal Component Analysis) Noël Bonnet Anisotropic diffusion, Shading correction, Contrast enhancement, Regularized image gradient (Shen-Castan), Manual segmentation, Multivariate Statistical Analysis (MSA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Correspondence Analysis (CA), Fuzzy Segmentation, N-component segmentation, Watershed segmentation, Stackscope Thomas Boudier Active Contours (Snakes), Canny-Deriche Filter, Shape Analysis by Fourier Descriptors Wilhelm Burger and Mark Burge 53 plugins, including Alpha Blending, Histogram Equalization, Gamma Correction, UnsharpMask, Harris Corner Detector, Hough Linear Transform, Region Labeling, Trace Contours, Median Cut Quantization, DFT 2D, DCT 2D, Affine Mapping, Twirl, Ripple and Sphere Mapping, Bicubic Interpolation Gary Chinga Surface roughness statistics, Dynamic (adaptive) threshold, Shape descriptors, Image correlation, Stack plots, Ulf Dittmer Expression (applies formulas to images), HPGL Reader, Warp, OpenGL Example, PxM Reader (imports PBM, PGM and PPM), Pixellate, Seam Carving, Animated PNG (APNG) Writer Bob Dougherty Ellipse ROI, Live Histogram, Measure Stack, Multi Measure, NTSC DV2Float, QuickTime Grab, Layers, Stack Sorter, Measure ROI, Polynomial Fit, PLOT3D I/O, Polar Gradient, 3D Fast Hartley Transform (FHT, FFT), 2D and 3D Deconvolution, Diffraction PSF 3D 3D Local Thickness (3D Distance Map), MicroArray Profile, Label Image Jeff Hardin QuickTime Movie Player, Concatenate Movies, QT4D Player, QT4D Writer, Acquire4D, Rename Perkin-Elmer Files Per Christian Henden Orientation Measurement, Fractal Estimation, Susan Smoothing (2D&3D), Isolated Pixel Removal (2D&3D), Small Region Removal, Adaptive 3D Threshold, Semi Band-threshold, 3D Otsu Thresholding, 3D Discrete Distance Tranform, Extrude Map, Gaussian Noise Frederick Hessman Anaglyph, Astronomy Plugin Package, Directory Watcher, Figure Calibration, Image Padder, Paint by Number, RGB Composer, Telescope Tracking Package, SVD Analysis Gregory Jefferis Biorad Reader, BioRad Writer, Amira Reader Amira Writer, IGS Raw Reader (gzip) Gabriel Landini Convolution filters, game of life, contour lines , morphological operators, dilation, erosion, 4- and 8-connected particle analysis color thresholding, color deconvolution (stain separation) Mark Longair Simple Neurite Tracer, Three Pane Crop, Unpack To PNG, Quantile Based Normalization, Find Connected Regions, Mask Of Nearby Points, "Tubeness" (useful for tracing neurons or blood vessels) Peter Sebastian Masny ImageCanvasWithOverlay, Census (identify, count, and process objects), XYZ_MaxProject (max projection along all three axis) Tony Parker Dispose All Windows, Interfile Encoder/Decoder, Lookup Tables Align Stacks, Orthogonal Views (axial, coronal, and sagital) Sean Parsons FFT Box, Phase Space, ROI Group Manager and Tight Montage Stephan Preibisch Stitching, Gaussian Convolution, FFT Transform, Principal Curvature and Sobel Filter (plugins work in both 2D and 3D) Jarek Sacha Image IO (uses JAI to open addition image types) Clustering, Texture Synthesus, 3D Toolkit, Half-Median RGB to CIE L*a*b*, Multiband Sobel edges, VTK Examples DCRaw (digital camera raw images), ImageJ for Zaurus PDA Groovy Console (edit and run Groovy scripts) Martin Schlueter Geometric Mappings, Color transforms, Delaunay Triangulation and Interpolation Nico Stuurman MultiTracker2, RGB Stack Merge2, ICS Opener, Optical Insights Running Z Projector, Binner, QED Swap TransformJ (Geometric Transformations up to 4D) Affine, Crop, Embed, Mirror, Rotate, Scale, Shift, Turn FeatureJ (Image Feature Extraction) Canny edges, derivatives, Hessian, Laplacian, eigenvalues, statistics RandomJ (Image Randomization) Binomial, Exponential, Gamma, Gaussian, Poisson, Uniform NeuronJ(Neurite Tracing and Quantification) OME Bio-Formats library and plugin (loci-tools.jar) PIC, MetaMorph STK, LSM, FluoView, IPLab, Deltavision, Leica LEI, ABD, GEL, Imaris, Openlab LIFF and RAW, DM3, PerkinElmer, Image-Pro Sequence, NEF, PICT, IPW, PGM, OIB AxioVision ZVI, Image Cytometry Standard ICS and IDS, UltraView ERS DICOM, PNG, GIF, BMP, EPS, OME-XML, OME-TIFF, ABD TIFF ImageJ Documentation Wiki Align_4, Align_RGB_planes, Align_Slice Fourier Shape Analysis Threshold_Colour, Colour_Deconvolution, Lut_Panel Canny-Deriche Edge Detection, Fit Polynomial Tudor DICOM Toolkit,LSM_Reader, SIMS_Toolbox Morphological Operators, 3D binary morphological filters Active contour (Snake), LiveWire, Bezier Curve ROI Quadratic Curve ROI, HyperVolume_Browser, Surface Blur TrakEM2, Image5D, Thresholding by connection Cell Image Analyzer, IJUpdate, LSMToolbox, Action Bar Nonuniform Background Removal, 3D Filters, Wait For User Pixel Inspecter University of Sussex(download) Find Peaks, Find Peaks (Frame), Find Peaks Optimiser, Stack Threshold, Colocalisation Threshold, Confined Displacement Algorithm (CDA), Stack Correlation Analyser, Stack Colocalisation Analyser, Threshold, Contrast Enhancer, GaussianFit Loader, Difference of Gaussians Image Differentials (gradient, Laplacian, and Hessian) Point Picker TurboReg (image registration [alignment]) Cubic Spline Resizing Segmenting Assistant NucMed Collection (PET/SPECT imaging) Jython, FFT, Lecture Notes (German) Install and use Jython with ImageJ Fractional Splines and Wavelets DICOM Import and Export (uses dcm4che library) Watershed Algorithm Extended Depth of Field (in focus images from 3D objects) Yawi3D (Yet Another Wand for ImageJ 3D) UnwarpJ (registration [alignment] using warping) Save in Biorad PIC format Find Colocalized Pixels in RGB Channels Measure Total Above Thresholded Area in a Stack StackReg (recursive alignment [registration] of stacks) 3D Deconvolution in Optical Microscopy PixFRET (FRET calculations) Power and log transforms, contrast stretching, spatial filtering SpotTracker (particle tracking over noisy image sequences) DStretch (digital enhancement of pictographs) SplineSnake (segmentation using active contour) MIJ (interfacing ImageJ and Matlab) DropSnake and LB_ADSA (contact angle measurement) Read, write and display Amira files LOCI 4D Data Browser QA-Distri (plugins for QA in digital radiology) bUnwarpJ (elastic registration [alignment] of images) IJStage and IJSerial (microscope stage control and serial I/O) IJUpdate (updates ImageJ to stable or test releases) LSMToolbox (open Zeiss confocal microscope images) Open and z-project PerkinElmer Ultraview ERS RAW-files MTrackJ (track and analyze moving objects in image sequences) IJProxy (proxy server settings for ImageJ) Inhomogen Isotropic Diffusion 2D Filter Install and use Ruby to write an ImageJ plugin Introduction to Astronomical Image Processing using ImageJ Chemotaxis and Migration Tool View5D (interactively display datasets with up to 5 dimensions) SplineDeformationGenerator (cubic B-spline deformations) Azimuthal Average MAI Simulator (generates simulated DNA microarray images) SparkMaster (calcium spark analysis) Spectral Deconvolution (2D and 3D Tikhonov and TSVD deblurring) Iterative Deconvolution 2D (deblurring using MRNSD, CGLS or HyBR) HRRT Deconvolution (motion correction of PET brain images) MosaicJ (build a mosaic from overlapping partial images) OpenMIMS (Multi Isotope Mass Spectrometry) Image Stabilizer (stabilizes jittery stacks using Lucas-Kanade method) Multiple Stack Viewer (opens multiples stacks in a window) Mathematical Morphology (25 plugins that use structuring elements) MovieIO (library for reading and writing video files frame-by-frame) Turning CDMAM (moves the discs inside CDMAM phantoms) MR Urography (kidney assessment) AccPbFRET (analyze acceptor photobleaching FRET images) Volumest (volume estimation using stereological method) Delaunay_Voronoi (Delaunay/Voronoi diagrams from point selections) 3D Viewer (hardware-accelerated 3D volume and surface visualization) Scan Calculator (calculate 3D data from 2D laserscanner data) ImageFlow (node-based macro editing) Advanced Sholl Analysis (2D Sholl analysis on segmented/traced neurons) EdgeFitter (fits a line selection to edges of an object) IJ ED (jEdit-based code editor) SheppLogan (generates a sampled version of the Shepp-Logan phantom) RiFRET (analyze intensity-based ratiometric FRET images) ObjectJ (non-destructive markers and linked results) Parallel Super-Resolution PDF Macro Ext (adds PDF creation functions to the macro language) Droplet (drag and drop file processor that uses customizable macros) ImageJ SURF (feature detection and image comparison) Mouse X (crop and rotate an image, similar to Edit>Selection>Straighten) Savitzky-Golay noise reduction filters CDA (Confined Displacement Algorithm for Colocalization) QuickPALM (PALM/STORM particle detection and reconstruction) Serial Macro Extensions (enables macro access to serial devices) Colocalization Colormap (quantification/visualization of fluorescent signals) JFilament (segment and track 2D and 3D filaments) Heatmap From Stack HeatMap Histogram Export EPS (saves images in Encapsulated PostScript format) Template matching and alignment using OpenCV library CBF Reader (reads miniCBF files from DECTRIS PILATUS detectors) Octane (super-resolution imaging and single molecule tracking) Read and write Esri ASCII grid files PIV (iterative particle image velocimetry analysis) Beth Israel plugins (PET/SPECT and CT/MRI fusion) SmartRoot (semi-automated analysis of root systems) Speckle TrackerJ (track particles through time) ImagePlot (explore patterns in large image collections) IJ-Scala (use Scala language to write scripts using ImageJ API) Save as Movie (save stacks in avi, mov, wmv or mp4 format) jClustering (general framework for dynamic imaging clustering) ijblob (library to detect and analyse connected components [blobs] in binary images) Okolab Data Import (imports data acquired by Okolab incubators) FigureJ (creates image figures for scientific publications) Video Encoder (encodes live image streams into .mp4, .flv, .mov and .webm) ScientiFig (create, format or reformat scientific figures) FRETTY (calculate FRET with spectral unmixing) BoneJ (trabecular geometry and whole bone shape analysis) Dynamic Pixel Inspector (dynamic time-axis profile plotting) Invadopodia tracker (analyze invadopodia dynamics in time-lapse movies) xySpark (detection and analysis of Ca2+ sparks in confocal stacks) Cell Magic Wand Tool (click on a cell to outline it) Color Transformer 2 (extended Color Transformer) ThunderSTORM (PALM and STORM analysis and super-resolution imaging) Local Gaussian Filter and Adaptive Morphology Operation Orthanc (import 2D/3D DICOM images from Orthanc servers) Dendritic Filopodia Motility Analyser (evaluation of live cell dendritic protrusions) NetCDF (opens Unidata Network Common Data Form files) HDF5 Plugin for ImageJ CANDLE-J (Enhanced Denoising under Low-light Excitation) DiameterJ (nanofiber diameter characterization) ActogramJ (analysis and visualization of chronobiological data) MouseMove (semi-automated analysis of movement in rodents) HyperStackReg (multi-channel hyperstack registration) DRIQ (QC measurements in radiography and mammography) MJ2 Opener (opens MJ2 files; requires Java 8 and Windows) SarcOptiM (high frequency online sarcomere length measurement) TTorg (transverse tubular system regularity analysis) NucleusJ (nuclear shape and chromatin organization) TANGO (high-throughput processing and analysis of 3D fluorescence images) SarConfoCal (Simultaneous Ca fluorescence and sarcomeres length from LSCM images) Barcode_Codec (1D/2D barcode encoder/decoder) QR Decoder for ImageJ (decodes QR barcodes) HoloJ (reconstruct and analyze phase and amplitude images from holograms)