Unmanned Aeronautical Vehicle (UAV) are getting more and more importance because of their prominent role as national reconnaissance systems, for disaster monitoring, and environmental mapping. However, the existence of reliable and robust data links are indispensable for Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) missions. In particular for Beyond Line-Of-Sight operations (BLOS) of Tier III UAVs, satellite data links are a key element since extensive sensor data have to be transmitted preferably in real-time or near real-time.The paper demonstrates that the continuously increasing number of UAS and the intensified use of high resolution sensors will reveal RF-bandwidth as a limitating factor in the communication chain of Tier III UAVs. The RF-bandwidth gap can be partly closed by use of high-order modulation, of course, but much more progress in terms of bandwidth allocation can be achieved by using optical transmission technology. Consequently, the paper underlines that meanwhile this technology has been sufficiently verified in space, and shows that optical links are suited as well for broadband communications of Tier III UAVs. Moreover, the advantages of LaserCom in UAV scenarios and its importance for Network Centric Warfare (NCW) as well as for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligens, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) are emphasized. Numerous practical topics and design requirements, relevant for the establishment of optical links onboard of Tier III UAVs, are discussed.
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